Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16, 2012
I minister to an elderly lady named June.  She is having some health problems right now.  I took her to the doctor last weekend and asked my supporters and friends to pray about this appointment.  IvaLou, who is also in her 80's or maybe even 90's wrote the following: "Hi, Cindy, how is  June?  You are so good.  I keep thinking how proud your mom and dad are.  Somehow, I know that they are watching you."  Thanks for the encouragement Mrs. W!! 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24, 2012
Thank you for your email, Cy. I will keep you both in my prayers. Tomorrow is a big day. Please let us know how it goes. "Angel" is how I keep thinking of you as you minister to Serguei in these days. There is no other way to describe you and your role in his life.  Love from Janelle

April 23, 2012
Dearest Cy

Your compassion and devotion to people is remarkable, in particular to Sergei. You are an example to all of us.

When it comes to cancer and in particular, brain cancer, we are quite helpless from a medical stand point. Some 99% of people diagnosed with brain cancer do not make it pass 18 months following the diagnosis. I have seen close friends go through it, and its a terrible outcome.

The only thing we can offer is our unconditional support, presence, love and prayers. Most of the time, its better to actually say nothing but just be there.

I hope that Sergei will find serenity and comfort in the Lord.

Our prayers are with you and Sergei.

April 22, 2012
Your voice lifted us up today in church. God bless u. Kisses, Nada

Monday, April 23, 2012

April 22, 2012
Amazing Grace never sounded so good as when you sang it this morning in church. Especially since I know some of the trials you are going through with Sergei.  Roger

Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 22, 2012

I haven't written since October 22, 2009.  Sigh...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 22, 2009
I got this e-mail today from a new friend from Albania! She wrote: "I had great time while in Krakow and I learned a lot from God. Thank you Cynthia for helping us and your wonderful work. You did great ! Evis" What was my help and wonderful work? I did admin behind the scenes for our European Breifing weekend, where we gathered business people from Europe and the US, to share together what God is doing to reach Europeans for Christ. As you can see from Evis's message, it was a good weekend!

Monday, October 05, 2009

October 5, 2009

I just got this message after helping behind the scenes at two outreach dinner parties here in the south of France over the weekend! FUN! "You've had a busy weekend!! And hopefully ready for another busy and wonderful week!! Thank you again for all your wonderful help Friday and Saturday. And I saw how much you were doing Sunday, as well....wearing lots of hats!! Susan"

Monday, September 07, 2009

September 7, 2009
Ministry in the south of France is quite varied. It can be everything from meeting one-on-one to encourage people in their spiritual lives, or it can mean using my musical gifts to sing jazz at a wedding! Roberta wrote: "ahhhh, now that's jazz. Sweet, Cy. You are on your way to becoming quite a versatile performer. Thanks for sharing your gifts. :)" See YouTube: Tag: "cytodd" for a glimpse.
September 7, 2009
"Good morning Cy, Just a note to say thank you so much for coming to see me yesterday. You recharged my batteries! just what I needed The Lord has certainly put you in my life - you always hit the nail on the head its so good to be able to talk with you. Its such a joy. God bless you - have a lovely day - the sun is shining again lots o luv, June."