Tuesday, October 31, 2006

October 31, 2006I often get phone calls from people interested in joining staff! Here's what someone thought of the help I offered: "Dear Cy, Thank you for your time and note. We thought you would be a great person to talk with in that you have a wonderful way about you, and seem so very supportive and clued in on what is transpiring in Europe. After your call to us from Europe, we thought, hmmm, this is a quality person, with whom we can identify and connect. So, may we still talk just to pick your brain...??? Kindly advise... Warmly, Chris"

Monday, October 09, 2006

October 9, 2006
Just today I got the following e-mail from Romania: "Hi Cy, I wanted to say THANK YOU for your help in interfacing with donors for the upcoming mission trip with the Romanian students. Twice I've received e-mails where you've been the one who helped direct people and answer questions. Thanks for be willing to get involved and go the extra mile. Melynda"

Friday, October 06, 2006

October 6, 2006
Today I had the honor of helping a donor get a credit card donation to two staff women in Romania! They are going to teach english in a big, Asian country and this donor wanted to support them FULLY - meaning, $2000 to EACH staff woman! What a blessing that will be to them, and it was a great encouragement to me too!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Staff #0139726
I have been on staff for 25 years! I currently serve as the Executive Assistant to Roger Randall, the Vice President for Europe and Russia with Campus Crusade for Christ. I do everything from the mundane to the exciting! From answering phone calls and making xerox copies, to traveling to Europe and Russia, serving behind the scenes at staff conferences and other events. The stories below will help you learn more about what I do!

"A Day in the Life" of "your missionary"...

October 4, 2006"Cy, you are a star!" were the words from David Wilson, our Area Director in London. David will be speaking at a conference in Slovakia soon and it seems that the e-mail connection between London and Slovakia is down, so phone numbers were needed! Cy to the rescue!!

October 3, 2006Today was our Worldwide Day of Prayer, the day we stop, as a ministry, and spend the day praying for the needs of our ministry, worldwide. I was asked to facilitate our European "break-out" sessions. About 150 people attended, including Vonette Bright! What a priviledge to lead our headquarters staff in prayer!

October 2, 2006I just called my boss, Roger Randall, to let him know that the Lord has confirmed my next ministry assignment: FRANCE!!! Roger was ecstatic!

September 5, 2006Last week I had the opportunity to help edit a contract for some friends of the ministry in France. They are planning to donate a large portion of the profits of their business to our ministry in Europe! Here's what they said when they received my work: "Beautiful!!! Thank you sooooooooooooooo much!!! Perfect!!!!" Please pray that my help on the contract will reap an eternal harvest.

September 2-3, 2006,This Labor Day weekend I helped with the editing of the Significant Woman curriculum! My "Mission Statement" will be included in the curriculum!! My "Mission Statement" is: "To use my gifts of administration, service and singing to help empower others in Europe and Russia to share Christ more effectively." The Significant Woman curriculum will be used around the world AND in Europe and Russia in the coming months to help women grow in their faith!! Exciting!

It's opportunities like these that encourage me and remind me that even from Orlando, I'm still making a difference in people's lives in the US, Europe, Russia and around the world!

Thank you for partnering with me!!If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at: Cy.Todd@ccci.org


PRAYER NEEDED:July 17, 2006: I'm leaving tomorrow for Michigan (Dad's Memorial Service is on July 20th at 5:30pm in Northville). Then, on July 25th I head to England for 10 days (a three-day meeting that I'm in charge of, and then I'll attend our Western European Staff Conference for 7 days). Next, one week of vacation in Germany, then one week of work with my boss and his wife at their home in France! Please pray for travel mercies and that I'll be a light that shines on all whose paths I cross! Thank you!

July 12, 2006. My boss just called from his home in France at 11:30pm (French time!) begging me to help him restore some text that he'd just deleted on a document he hopes will help generate $1 million dollars for our ministry in Europe! The document is going to some wealthy donors who want to partner with us to help reach Europe for Christ! PTL, I was able to help him restore the text!!!

July 10, 2006, "Cy, thank you so much for your help in this request. You went the extra mile to help someone new in Christ. Thank you for showing me Jesus in you. Pat" This message was regarding getting contact info for a new believer in Denmark!! It's great to be able to connect people around the world with fellow believers!

June 22, 2006, I just got the most encouraging e-mail from a friend here in Orlando: "The one real shining moment on the rehearsal CD was your solo on “You Raise Me Up”. I sometime forget how beautiful your voice is and how lucky we are to you have you in the band or I get so caught up in what I am doing that I can’t really focus on listening. It was very nice to just kick back and listen to you singing on the CD. When I listen to the CD, it sounds like a bunch of amateurs playing and singing with one professional, you. All of us forget sometimes to mention how much we appreciate each other and I speak for myself and all of us when I say we most assuredly appreciate and thank the Lord for you." David Foster

June 14, 2006, I was just asked to help "hand deliver" a check for $250,000 for our CCC building in Romania, to the Donations department!! Wow, that's a first!!

May 27 - June 5, 2006 I was at home in Michigan ministering to my dad as he struggled through his last days on this earth. He died of complications from pneumonia. He's with the Lord now. I'm grateful!

On April 14, 2006, I got the following e-mail from a pastor at my church in Orlando: "Dear Cy, Thanks for doing this for Mary (and for all of us). I'm sure you know more than the rest of us how important Mary's faith is to her, especially now with some of the difficulties she faces living at home alone. I was very moved to see the two of you walk into the church tonight (Friday). You're a trooper, and a real friend! Gary" (FYI: I drive Mary to and from church on Sunday mornings. She is elderly, has epilepsy and many other physical problems.)April 13, 2006, we interviewed a potential new teammate. His thank you note included the following quote: "I was amazed at how proficient you are with the computer. It will be good to have someone on the team that is computer savvy." Being a missionary in the 21st century is much different than in years gone by!

April 2, 2006. A pastor from my church wrote the following thank you note after my participation at our bi-annual retreat, singing with the Alpha Praise and Worship Band: "Dear Cy, I am greatly encouraged by your life and ministry among us. I appreciate your heart and the love you show to us all. Thank you for the gift of your voice as well. I hope you know that for all the blessings you have received from your Alpha Bible Study involvement, we have received infinitely more from you. Blessings, Paul."

Just today (April 26, 2006) I was able to connect our staff in Australia with our staff in Russia. The Aussie staff guy has developed a website with different language versions of the "Four Spiritual Laws" and he is re-writing the Russian version. Rather than re-inventing the wheel, I pointed him toward our staff in Moscow, so they can collaborate!I also helped a Polish man, here in Orlando, who wants to help reach Poland for Christ, to connect with our Polish staff in Warsaw! Hopefully this connection will not only help them, but also help one of our Puerto Rican staff to connect with some new supporters from a church here in Orlando, where the Polish man is attending!! It's complicated! But nothing is too hard for the Lord!!

April 10, 2006. Budapest Trip Report. Thank you for praying! My dad remained healthy while I was in Budapest! The meetings were successful, however, your prayers for unity were really needed as we had one major disagreement that needed to be worked out! I had safe flights, but my health wasn't the best. I struggled with a sore throat and congestion almost the whole trip. But, praise the Lord, I was able to buy Vitamin C and some helpful throat lozenges just before leaving the USA. They were a godsend!! Thanks for undergirding me with your prayers!

Prayer Requests for Budapest Trip (April 2 - 9, 2006)
1. Pray for good health for my 90 year old Dad, who lives in an assisted living center in Chelsea Michigan.
2. Pray for unity amongst our leadership from Western and Eastern Europe who are meeting together this week in Budapest to do strategic planning for our ministry for the years to come!
3. Pray for my health, safe flights and that I will be a blessing to our staff as I provide the background admin help during the meeting.

Just today (March 16, 2006), my current boss (Roger Randall) wrote the following to my old boss (Bailey Marks): "Bailey, I'm sorry to be so hard to get ahold of. I'm such a technophile that I never really know how to make things work. Praise God for Cy!"

Earlier this month I tried to help connect a young American college student with our staff in Valencia, Spain. Yesterday (March 13, 2006) her sister wrote the following: "Dear Cy, I have been meaning to email you and thank you for your hard work in getting info to me for my sister in Spain. That means a lot and she is very grateful! You're the BEST! May God bless you and advance your territory and the entire Campus Crusade ministry! Marilyn"

I've been called many things in my staff career, like: "1-800-Cy", or "angel on earth", and even: "Canon Cy"! To add to that collection, today, March 9, 2006, I got the following e-mail from a CCC Board member: "Man, you covered your bases on this one! Yes, we're good to go - thanks, Wonder Woman!" Wonder woman, wow! That's a new one for the record books!

On March 6, 2006 I helped connect some new missionary families who are with Global Recordings, with our CCC staff in Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, Russia! Their theme is: "Telling the story of Jesus in every Siberian language"!! Just think, one day we will have the joy of meeting Siberians in heaven because of this one small connection!

On March 1, 2006, a staff from Colorado called and left the following voice-mail: "Cy, I'm so glad I can count on you to do what you always do so well, take care of others! Will you please send me an International Staff Address Book? Thanks so much, Swede." Swede and his wife minister in Eastern Europe with top political and business leaders!