Friday, September 26, 2008

September 26, 2008
"You are dear to us and we value your being such a remarkable co-laborer. Debby" This was sent just last week by the wife of our director in Eastern Europe! I am very blessed to receive such encouragement!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's such a blessing to get such encouragement! Thanks for taking the time to bless me! I just got this message yesterday from Sue: "Thanks for filling me in, Cy. What an exciting time in your life to be fully available to God's leading. Boy, the Riviera Project is going to end up with a dynamite team!" I am thankful to be involved. Please pray for many opportunites to share Christ with people here on the Riviera!

Friday, September 12, 2008

September 12, 2008
I received this wonderful encouragment earlier this week! "Cy, Great talking with you this morning. I think your being in France was a strategic move for the greater good of Europe! No small undertaking. You are right where God would have you to be, in the palm of His hand! Yahoo kiddo, what a place to be. Love, Susan"
September 12, 2008
I'm helping to administrate a conference for CCC Staff Women in Switzerland in October. Our Spanish Director's wife sent me this comment: "You make a good job even in the small details.
Gema" I'm so happy to be helping on this!

Monday, September 01, 2008

September 1, 2008
I just heard from my Dutch friend Betty who lives part time here in the south of France and part time in Holland. She attends our Tuesday Bible Study when she's here. I helped connect her with our National Director in Holland! Here is her report: "Dear Cy, I am greatfull to you that you asked Delja to make contact with me. Last Sunday morning she called me and there was inmediately a good conversation/contact. I hope we can be together -soon- for a meeting in the coming weeks. Betty"
September 1, 2008
I'm helping to administrate a conference for 50 European staff women. One will come from Jordan! I'll be helping her get a visa. Her director wrote: "Yes, this is like old times. I always enjoy working with you. And it is Switzerland again. Wilma"