Monday, September 07, 2009

September 7, 2009
Ministry in the south of France is quite varied. It can be everything from meeting one-on-one to encourage people in their spiritual lives, or it can mean using my musical gifts to sing jazz at a wedding! Roberta wrote: "ahhhh, now that's jazz. Sweet, Cy. You are on your way to becoming quite a versatile performer. Thanks for sharing your gifts. :)" See YouTube: Tag: "cytodd" for a glimpse.
September 7, 2009
"Good morning Cy, Just a note to say thank you so much for coming to see me yesterday. You recharged my batteries! just what I needed The Lord has certainly put you in my life - you always hit the nail on the head its so good to be able to talk with you. Its such a joy. God bless you - have a lovely day - the sun is shining again lots o luv, June."