Monday, January 08, 2007

January 8, 2007
I just "connected" a staff serving in Budapest with a long lost friend here in the States!. Here's what Jim wrote: "Cy! You’re so nice to send this on to me! I just called her and we had a great conversation with my old friend and we nearly cried, it was so good! Thanks! Jim"

January 5, 2007
Today I saved our ministry $360! Actually, the Lord did it, I just got to help! My boss comes in next week for meetings and wanted to stay at a hotel with whom we don't have a special rate. So, I called the hotel directly, spoke with "Barbara" (thank the Lord for her!) and she offered me a very special rate for no apparent reason!! Praise the Lord!

January 5, 2007
I also got to facilitate a meeting today with two CCC staff couples, looking for new assignments! Both have lived in France!! One couple is willing to go back to France, the other would like to serve here in Orlando. Please pray that the Lord will show them exactly the right fit!

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